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Drainage Products
When you work hard to grow flowers, plants or crops, don’t let standing water and soil erosion cause damage to them. Help prevent these issues by installing drainage products from Tractor Supply. Along with our other lawn and garden supplies, we offer a range of products that can help you establish a drainage system.
Products for Drainage
Whether you grow fruits and veggies or flowers, adding drainage or a drainage system to your plots can be beneficial. We are proud to bring you the items you need to care for your crops and garden, including drainage products such as:
One of the most important parts of a drainage system is the culverts or culvert pipes. These tubes are installed in soil and allow excess water from the garden to escape through them. They help prevent water pooling and water damage that can occur if water doesn’t drain. Choose pipes made from durable materials such as HDPE, steel and more. To accompany your culverts and culvert pipes, we also offer parts and accessories like stormwater basins, grates, couplers, connectors and more. Whether you need a culvert pipe or another part, you can find everything you need to install a drainage system in our stores and online.
Erosion Blankets
If you haven’t had a proper drainage system and are dealing with aftereffects like erosion, erosion control blankets can help manage them. Erosion blankets are coverings that are put on soil to protect it from damage, while also helping to promote vegetation and plant growth. They can be either temporary or permanent and are made of materials such as straw, fabric and polypropylene.
Frequently Asked Questions about Drainage
What are some of the main advantages of installing a drainage system?
Installing a drainage system in your garden or cropland can offer several benefits, including stabilizing the soil, preventing standing water and water damage, improving aeration of the soil and decreasing soil erosion. These benefits can lead to enhanced plant growth and plant health.
How do you install a drainage system at home?
Many homeowners opt to hire a prof