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Perennial Flowers
Elevate your garden with long-lasting perennial flowers. With vibrant blooms and lush foliage, Tractor Supply’s selection of perennial flowers and plants that thrive year after year can provide your lawn and garden with lush and timeless charm.
What to Consider When Shopping For Perennials
Climate: For optimal growth and longevity, choose a perennial variety that is best-suited for your specific climate zone. In colder climates, consider flowers and plants such as geraniums and irises. Alternatively, warmer climate perennials include plants such as salvia and blanket flower.
Indoor V Outdoor: While many perennials are intended for growth outdoors, indoor perennial flowers and plants can add a touch of liveliness to your home. Some of the more common varieties of indoor perennials include amaryllis and hyacinth.
Sunlight Requirements: Like most flowers, different variations of perennials require varying amounts of sunlight exposure. For spaces that receive more sunlight, consider full sun and partial sun perennials such as knockout roses and honeysuckle. In more shaded environments, partial shade and full shade perennials such as lily of the valley and ferns will thrive best.
Soil Type: Understanding your soil type will allow you to match it with the preferences of different perennials. Whether your soil is sandy, clay or loamy, there is a perennial flower or plant for you.
Maintenance Level: Choose perennial flowers and plants that align with your gardening schedule, opting for low-maintenance varieties like hostas, black-eyed susans, and daylilies or higher-maintenance options based on your availability.
Caring for Your Perennials
Perennial care varies by plant type but generally involves well-drained soil, appropriate sunlight exposure and regular watering. Pruning at the right time promotes growth and flowering, helping your perennial flowers and plants to flourish year after year. Container gardening is also an option, ideal for those with limited space.
Attracting Wildlife With Perennials
Many perennial flowers and plants attract wildlife such as birds, bees and butterflies, enriching your garden ecosystem. These hardy plants not only beautify spaces but also contribute to biodiversity, providing essential food and habitat for pollinators. Popular choices include echinacea, lavender and sunflowers, which not only add beauty but also support local wildlife populations.
Planting Timing
For optimal growth year after year, plant perennials in spring or fall, allowing roots to settle before extreme temperatures set in. This timing will help your plants to grow so that they are more resilient to seasonal changes.
Elevate your garden with the enduring charm of perennial flowers and plants. Whether you're a seasoned landscaper or a beginner gardener, perennial flowers offer an endless array of possibilities when it comes to beautifying your outdoor spaces.
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