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Earth Science Deer and Rabbit Resistant Wildflower Mix with Seed, Plant Food, Soil Conditioners and Water Right Crystals
Earth Science Perennial All-in-One Wildflower Mix with Seed, Plant Food, Soil Conditioners and Water Right Crystals
Earth Science Shady All-in-One Wildflower Mix with Seed, Plant Food, Soil Conditioners and Water Right Crystals
Earth Science Butterfly and Hummingbird All-in-One Wildflower Seed Mix, Plant Food, Soil Conditioners & Water Right Crystals
Earth Science Wildflower Bouquet All-in-One Flower Mix with Seed, Plant Food, Soil Conditioners and Water Right Crystals


Looking to start your own garden or add some color to your landscape? Tractor Supply’s selection of seeds offers a wide variety of options for all of your planting needs. From wildflower seeds to fruit and vegetable seeds, our selection has got you covered. 

Seed Type

  • Flower Seeds: Whether you’re looking for the vibrant hues of marigolds and petunias or the delicate beauty of daisies and cosmos, flower seeds bring life and joy to any outdoor space. 

  • Fruit Seeds: From apple trees to strawberry bushes and your very own pumpkin patch, planting fruit seeds allows you to grow your own orchard in the comfort of your backyard. 

  • Vegetable Seeds: By planting vegetable seeds, you can grow an array of vegetables, such as peppers, asparagus and lettuce, in your backyard, providing fresh, nutritious ingredients for wholesome meals. 

Seed Longevity

  • Annual Flower Seeds: Annual flower seeds flourish in well-drained soil and abundant sunlight. They complete their life cycle within one growing season, so consistent watering and nutrient supply are essential for vibrant blooms throughout the season.

  • Perennial Flower Seeds: Perennial flower seeds share similar requirements with annuals, thriving in well-drained soil and ample sunlight. However, perennials have longer lifespans, returning year after year. Choose a location with proper drainage and sufficient sunlight to foster healthy growth and sustained flowering over multiple seasons.

Seed Growing Conditions

  • Indoor vs. Outdoor Plant Seeds: Indoor seeds typically require adequate light, proper humidity and suitable containers or pots for growth. Outdoor plant seeds, on the other hand, need to be matched with the appropriate soil, climate and sunlight conditions. 

  • Seed Sunlight Requirements: Full sun seeds need 6-8 hours of direct sunlight, while partial sun seeds thrive with 4-6 hours. Shade seeds prefer limited sunlight, ideal for shaded areas or indoor spaces with low light.

From vibrant flowers to delicious fruits and nutritious vegetables, our wide selection of seeds can help you cultivate the garden of your dreams. Start sowing seeds today and visit Tractor Supply to kickstart your gardening journey!

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