What does #YesTSC mean?

We love the photo or video you shared on your social media account and would like to have your permission to feature it on Tractor Supply’s social media or digital channels. We will credit you in our post.

By replying to the message sent from our Tractor Supply Social Media account with “#YesTSC” you agree that:

  • You are over eighteen (18) years of age,
  • You are the owner of all rights to the photo or video (“content”)
  • You have obtained permission from all person(s) including minors who appear in your content to grant the rights herein,
  • Tractor Supply’s use of your content from Social Media does not infringe the rights of any third party, and
  • You have read and that you agree to the following terms and conditions:

What happens when I respond with (#YesTSC)?
When you use the above tag, you are granting TSC the right to use your shared content within Tractor Supply content. Specifically, you grant Tractor Supply a right to use the content you are posting on Social Media with #YesTSC.

How will TSC use your content?
Your content may appear on Tractor Supply’s social media accounts, emails, and website. Tractor Supply will not be obligated to use the content you have provided.

What’s in it for me?
Tractor Supply will tag your social media account when posting in social media. Your shared content may be used on Tractor Supply’s social media pages, e-spots, e-mails, and Tractor to inspire others to live #LifeOutHere.

What if I change my mind after giving consent for my content to be used?
You can always change your mind and revoke the granting of rights to Tractor Supply by deleting your Tractor Supply related post and contacting us on our related Social pages with a direct message (DM) or calling Tractor Supply Customer Solutions at 877-718-6750 to request it be taken down.

Here is the stuff the lawyers make us say.
By responding with #YesTSC, a legally binding licensing agreement between you and Tractor Supply is entered into and you release Tractor Supply from all and any obligation to compensate you for the use of the shared content and you warrant that you own any of the intellectual property rights contained therein in connection with the uses described above. You further agree to the following LIMITATION OF LIABILITY: TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, IN NO EVENT WILL TRACTOR SUPPLY BE LIABLE FOR (i) ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL LOSS, COSTS, DAMAGES, CHARGES OR EXPENSES; OR (ii) LOSS OF PROFITS, OR (iii) LOSS OF BUSINESS, CONTRACTS, GOODWILL, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES; OR (iv) LOSS OF INCOME, ANTICIPATED SAVINGS; OR (v) LOSS OR CORRUPTION OF DATA OR INFORMATION; OR (vi) ANY DEGRADATION WHICH OCCURS IN RELATION TO THE USE OF THE CONTENT AS DESCRIBED ABOVE, WHETHER ARISING IN TORT, CONTRACT OR ANY OTHER LEGAL THEORY, EVEN IF WE HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES.