Tractor Supply Digital Accessibility Statement

Our Policy and Commitment to Accessibility

At Tractor Supply, we’re committed to accessibility, diversity and inclusion. We believe all of our guests should be able to easily shop online at or the Tractor Supply mobile apps available for iOS on the Apple App Store or for Android on the Google Play Store.

With this in mind, we are continuously taking steps to improve and ensure it complies with the best practices and standards defined by Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) 2010 and the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines of the World Wide Web Consortium.

The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 Level A and AA are recognized as accessibility standards.

Our website is monitored and tested periodically by internal and third-party accessibility consultants. These experts help us identify usability issues and discover new solutions to further improve the accessibility of our site and mobile apps.


Key accessibility features of tractor supply site include, but are not limited to:

  1. Appropriate site structure for use with assistive technologies. We are working to ensure semantic elements and techniques are used — such as headings, lists, paragraphs, and WAI-ARIA markup — to help make sure that users of assistive technology can understand the content and navigate our site more easily.
  2. Appropriate text equivalents for images and media. People who either can't see images or hear audio may need some form of a text equivalent to interact with our sites. We are working to make sure that images and media on our websites are accessible through alternative text equivalents.
  3. Appropriate labels for forms and input fields.
  4. Proper color contrast ratios for text and images with text.
  5. We are making efforts to help ensure that keyboard-only users can navigate and use our websites and online services.
  6. We are working to apply accessibility best practices consistently across our website and online services for consistency.

Need help or have feedback?

If you are having trouble using this site (or mobile app) for any reason, please call us at +1(877)-718-6750 or you can use our Customer Solutions contact form and select the “feedback” option.

Customer Solutions Hours of Operation

Monday - Saturday 7am-9pm CST
Sunday 8am-7pm CST
Closed Easter Sunday and Christmas Day

Learn more:

WCAG 2.1 Standards

WCAG 2.1 Quick Reference Guide

W3C’s Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI): Resources, strategies and guidelines to help make the web fully accessible to persons with disabilities.

Web Accessibility Evaluation Tools: List of tools, several free for download, to help evaluate the accessibility of websites.