Weed Killers
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Weed Killers
At Tractor Supply, we understand the time and effort you invest into lawn care and understand that weeds poking through and harming plants, ruining curb appeal, and creating patchy grass can be quite the nuisance. That’s why we have curated a product assortment of weed killers to help you effectively and efficiently win the fight with weeds.
Identifying The Source of The Issue
From tall and leafy to short and grass-like, weeds can come in a variety of forms. Because there are so many different shapes and sizes of weeds, backyard weed control can be challenging. That said, anyone trying to win the fight against weeds needs to be aware of the three most common forms so that they can invest in the right products..
Broadleaf Weeds: Have large leaves and tend to flower. Dandelions, clover and chickweed are common examples of broadleaf weeds.
Grassy Weeds: Look like grass but pose a threat to your lawn. Crabgrass is a primary example of this kind of weed.
Grass-Like Weeds: Have long slender leaves and solid stems. Nutsedge is a grass-like weed because of its unique appearance.
How to Beat Backyard Weeds Before They Grow
Weeds can infiltrate nearly any yard and any space, making them an aggravating pest. However, you can mitigate this frustration by taking preventative measures to fend off weeds before they sprout. If you plan to plant new vegetation or grow new grass in your yard, consider using pre-emergent weed killers. Pre-emergent weed killers target the seeds and prevent weeds from growing all together. To quickly spread pre-emergent weed killers across large spaces, consider using a lawn spreader or sprayer, which will help to accelerate the task. Additionally, physical barriers can block vital nutrients from the weed, preventing weed growth and acting as great weed killers. Plastic weed barriers eliminate sun, water and air which creates an impermeable barrier for the weed.
Instantly Remove Weeds From Your Sight
Despite best efforts, weeds are unpredictable and often pop up in unexpected places, such as the edges of your driveway, sidewalk and fence line. In these cases, a post-emergent weed killer is the best remedy. Post-emergent weed killers, such as herbicides, kill weeds on contact and can swiftly eradicate the nuisance. When using these weed killers, one must spray accurately and carefully as they can harm other vegetation with their potent ingredients. That said, products such as weed and feed can be a great alternative. These weed-control products possess both fertilizer and weed killer formulas. The fertilizer acts to nourish the plant, while the weed killer eliminates the weed.
The Right Products For You
Are weeds tormenting your lawn or garden? To find the weed killer that is right for you, head to your local Tractor Supply store, or shop online today.
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