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From oak trees to magnolia trees, and beyond, Tractor Supply has everything you need to nurture and maintain healthy trees on your property. Whether you're an arborist or looking to add some life to your outdoor spaces, we can help you build the outdoor space of your dreams.
Hardiness Zones
To find a tree that will flourish in your yard, choose a variety that is best suited for your USDA hardiness zone:
Zones 1-3: These zones have extremely cold temperatures, making them suitable for cold-weather hardy trees.
Zones 4-6: These zones experience cold winters but also warmer summers, allowing for a wider range of deciduous trees.
Zones 7-9: These zones have milder winters and hot summers, making them suitable for a diverse selection of trees.
Zones 10-13: These zones have consistently warm to hot temperatures year-round, making them ideal for tropical and subtropical trees such as palm trees.
Sunlight Requirements
By selecting trees that match the sunlight conditions of your outdoor space, the trees in your yard will receive the light they need to flourish.
Full Sun Trees: These trees require direct sunlight and thrive when they receive at least 6 to 8 hours of direct sunlight daily. Typically, full sun trees have dense foliage and are adapted to withstand intense sunlight and heat.
Partial Sun Trees: Partial sun trees such as cypress trees prefer a balance of sunlight and shade, usually receiving 4 to 6 hours of direct sunlight daily.
Full Shade Trees: Full shade trees prefer shaded conditions and thrive in low-light or shaded areas, receiving less than 4 hours of direct sunlight daily.
Part Shade Trees: Part shade trees can tolerate both sun and shade but prefer partial sunlight, receiving 2 to 4 hours of direct sunlight daily.
Tree Purposes
Whether you're aiming to create shade, enhance the look of your lawn, provide a habitat for small critters, or harvest fresh fruits, we have the right tree for you:
Deciduous Trees: Deciduous trees such as maple and birch trees shed their leaves in the fall, providing vibrant displays of color before winter and beautiful buds in the spring. If you are looking to bring wildlife to your backyard, deciduous trees provide habitat and food sources for various wildlife species such as squirrels and wild birds.
Ornamental Trees: Ornamental trees are valued for their decorative features, such as colorful flowers, unique foliage, or interesting bark textures. These trees serve as focal points in your landscape design, adding visual interest and enhancing curb appeal. Examples include Japanese maple trees and flowering cherry trees.
Evergreen Trees: Providing year-round greenery, evergreen trees, such as pine trees, retain their foliage throughout the year, providing continuous greenery and structure to your landscape. These trees are commonly used as privacy screens or windbreaks, offering year-round coverage and protection.
Fruit Trees: Fruit trees such as lemon and fig trees produce delicious fruits that can be harvested and enjoyed fresh or used in cooking, baking, and preserving. Planting fruit trees allows you to create your own home orchard, providing a sustainable source of fresh fruits for you and your family. These trees also attract pollinators such as bees and butterflies.
Visit Tractor Supply Company today and transform your outdoor space into a thriving oasis of natural beauty.
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